What to Expect from Psychotherapy

Goals of Psychotherapy

The main goals of psychotherapy are to remove blocks to one's potential, deepen self-awareness, and acquire tools to be able to deal confidently with future emotional challenges.

The Psychotherapy Process

Psychotherapy is a complex process which can be both exciting and, at times, emotionally painful. It is difficult to describe it briefly and do it justice but the following two fundamental interdependent processes are vital to its success:

1. Therapist Compatibility and Guidance:

  • The context of the relationship with the therapist sets the tone of the entire process. The therapist's objectivity and acceptance act as an antidote to the client's conscious or unconscious guilt, shame, self-judgement, and self-censorship.
  • Guided by the therapist, the client works on developing the ability to be non-judgemental and accepting of her/his inner world; this lowers the intensity of distress, and reduces acute symptoms.

2. Client Self-awareness and Insight:

  • The client engages in an exploration of their current situation - and if applicable, how this relates to their early life experiences; the goal is to gain insight into the ways her/his sense of self and of relationships has developed. By mapping out the expectations of self and others this also highlights original and, perhaps, neglected strivings, inclinations, wishes, emotions, as well as any barriers that may have blocked them reaching their fullest personal and creative potential.

Outcomes of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy insights often lead to new perspectives, new ideas based on new assumptions, a wish to test them out, new responses from others, leading to new expectations in a positive feedback loop, thus creating long-lasting change.

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